Women need more support systems to thrive in business. Especially around support systems while they build, in making decisions around business and in establishing new pathways to provide for their livelihood.

Many women start up businesses on personal debt in order to launch. When it is time to raise capital from venture capital only 3% of all VC funding is allocated to women.

This is not enough venture capital to support all women starting up businesses. Inc reports that in America alone, women start approximately 849 new businesses per day. The average amount of companies an entrepreneur needs to succeed is 7. We need to shorten the failure gap for women in business success.

At these early stages, many female led businesses fail because of support systems and access to capital. It is imperative that women’s businesses survive. We have created Decision Access to help women with personal needs as entrepreneurs.

Many women then go into personal debt and find themselves in dire and desperate situations but are on the verge of their businesses thriving. This is a story we hear over and over again. We are building support systems so that women do not give up at crucial moments in their ventures. We are a lifeline for basic needs in these difficult moments.

Instead of letting those businesses fail, because of personal needs, we support women with help in their financial personal lives, so that they can keep pushing forward. We provide personal food, shelter, water, commuting) bill coverage, basic necessities, and most importantly education, intellectual help and knowledge for self improvement and strong decision making skills.

Through your donations and our support system, we help women and ideas from women to survive through the early stages of entrepreneurship.

Please donate today to help us support more single women, single mothers, widows, and elderly women, who do not have support systems but have ideas and grit and are still looking to succeed.

If you are a woman in America and also a small business owner, and you need help making bills, making difficult decisions, need business education, basic need support tools, or are in need of a few extra hours of childcare while building your company, please reach out to us for support.